Body Love:

Empowered, Sustainable and Joyful Weight Loss

How will this program make your life better?

This lifestyle-changing, weight loss program will help you achieve your health and wellness goals, while building a positive relationship with your body and empowering you to live your best life. With expert guidance, personalized coaching, and a supportive community, you'll be well on your way to a happier, healthier you.

Reclaim Your Body Confidence

Take Control of Your Cravings

Love how EASY this lifestyle is!

What's it costing your health to NOT change your eating habits?

By choosing to not join the Body Love program, you’re missing out on the opportunity to achieve sustainable weight loss and transform your relationship with food and your body. Without our program, you may continue to struggle with fad diets, yo-yo weight loss and gain, and the emotional toll that comes with feeling out of control with your eating habits. A year from now, without the support and tools provided in our program, you may still be stuck in this cycle and feeling frustrated and defeated, not to mention the potential health risks associated with carrying extra weight. What’s the price tag for your health, happiness, and self-confidence?


Long-term Benefits.

Intermittent fasting is a key component of our program, and it offers numerous long-term health benefits. This program helps reset and balance hormones like insulin, ghrelin, cortisol, and leptin. This improves overall health and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. This makes intermittent fasting a powerful tool for improving long-term health and wellbeing, beyond just weight loss.

Sustainable Results.

The Body Love program focuses on sustainable, long-term results that last a lifetime. We help you develop healthy habits and mindset shifts that will enable you to maintain your weight loss and continue living a healthy lifestyle.

Transformational Mindset Shifts.

The Body Love program goes beyond just physical weight loss and addresses the emotional and mental aspects of weight loss as well. Through hypnosis and mindset tools, we help you transform your relationship with food and your body, enabling you to rediscover your love for yourself and your body.

I understand

As someone who has struggled with a sugar-and-carb addiction myself, I understand the challenges that come with changing your relationship with food.

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want more control over food.

Some of the problems that people often struggle with when it comes to weight loss are:

  1. Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start when it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes.

  2. Struggling to maintain motivation and stay on track, especially when faced with setbacks or challenges.

  3. Feeling discouraged by slow progress or lack of results, and wondering if it's even worth the effort.

  4. Dealing with emotional eating and other negative patterns that can derail even the best weight loss efforts.

These are all common challenges that I've faced myself, and I'm here to help you overcome them and achieve your weight loss goals.

Body Love:

Empowered, Sustainable and Joyful Weight Loss

Our proven system that will help you overcome your relationship with food and with your body.

What's in the Body Love program?

you'll receive the following...


Achieve sustainable weight loss and build a positive relationship with your body.


Boost your confidence and self-esteem for a happier and healthier life.


Receive expert guidance and personalized coaching to help you stay on track.


Access a powerful combination of hypnosis and nutrition coaching.


Choose 6 self-paced modules full of bite-sized video content or an accelerated breakthrough program - or choose both!


Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals on the same journey towards better health and wellbeing.


"The craving crusher technique really works for me….I was amazed at how powerful this technique was to change my mind about something that I didn’t want to eat! Then, I could simply say, “no, thank you,” and mean it!"

- Diane H.

"I love the concept of putting a window within my eating window to eat treats. Not deprived! Great concept!!"

- Judy W.


Here's what the 6-week program looks like!


The Power of Eating Windows

Welcome to your food-friendly journey!

Week 1: This week you'll learn all about taming the hormones that keep you STUCK and how window eating will change .... everything! You’ll love the fact that this program is about adapting it to fit EXACTLY what you need in your day, and how to modify it for holidays, weekends, work shifts … making this YOUR program.


Mindset Tools

What Mindset Tool Will You Choose?

This week we're going to look at how your mindset affects your success in making lifestyle changes EASY. If you’ve struggled with discipline, fad diets, fast weight loss that’s unsustainable….you’ll learn SO many new and better choices than doing battle with your body.


Window Eating Options

Window Eating Options and Exercise Bonus

It's time to shake up your routine and learn some new options for Window Eating, plus exercise myths ... and strategies! We’ll also cover what to do about your sweet tooth, and bust the myth of “Falling off the wagon” - for good!


Metabolism Magic and the Craving Crusher Protocol

The Magic of Crushing your Cravings!

Oh, there's magic in this week. You're going to love having tools to handle situations like ... What if I'm STARVING? What about those cravings for late-night snacks? What can I do to speed up my metabolism?


Reinforcing Body Love Habits

Healthy Choices, "Urge Surfing", and dealing with discouragement

Making consistent change and progress is easier if you can build in some habits to make it a "no-brainer." We’re also going to cover topics like feeling discouraged, and a new way to fight urges when they show up.


Making Lasting Change

How to make intentional, long-term change

Final thoughts and tools for making this part of your lifestyle! The powerful bonus tool in this module can be used for food cravings, anxiety, depression, stressful conversations…. You name it!


You're 3 steps away from transforming your life and getting control of your relationship with food.

Say yes to yourself and sign up.

Work through the training at your own pace, over the course of 6 weeks.

Watch the dial move on your results.


Each day you wait to join the Body Love program, you're paying with your peace of mind, your health, and your potential for a more balanced life. Not joining this program could mean another year of struggle, unmet goals, and failed diets, leaving you exactly where you are now, or worse, in a year's time. If you choose a different path, remember, it may not provide the unique, personalized approach to intermittent fasting and hormonal balance that the Body Love program offers, a crucial element to achieving long-lasting health and happiness.

Body Love 6-week course

Pace yourself through weekly videos, daily audios, and handy PDFs to support and crush your goals

By the end of this 6-week course, you'll have reset your hormones and your habits for sustainable weight loss, in a way that fits YOUR life.

6-week Body Love Course


Top features

  • Lifetime Access to the 6- week course of bite-sized videos

  • AM and PM hypnosis audios

  • Handouts and support material to deepen your journey

  • Coaching access inside the Jammies to Jeans Facebook group


Every moment you delay enrolling in the Body Love program is another moment spent in frustration, trapped in the cycle of unsuccessful dieting, potentially damaging your health and self-esteem. The stakes are high - without the guidance and personalized approach of our program, you could continue spiraling into the maze of ineffective diets, missing out on the powerful benefits of intermittent fasting and balance in life. Imagine a year from now, stuck in the same place, your wellness goals still out of reach; the choice you make today has the power to redefine your tomorrow.

still have questions?


What if I want to take my time with this program?

If you want to work at your own pace, choose the 6-week program. This is designed to fit into your schedule, with bite-sized content every week to keep you motivated and on track. You'll have access to me in the Facebook group for coaching questions. I understand that weight loss is a journey, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. There's about 20 minutes of video content each week, as well as hypnosis audios and PDFs to ensure your success. pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

What if I have questions as I go through the program?

I'll be available for questions in the private  Jammies to Jeans Facebook group, which you can join once you're in either program!

Still don't have the answers you were looking for? Feel free to
contact me

who am i?

I'm Dr. Angela. Not that long ago my own sugar addiction was out of control.

I believe that the journey of weight loss and changing your relationship to food should be fun, empowering, sustainable and full of self-love, instead of self-loathing. As a chiropractor, hypnotist, and nutrition coach, I've spent years helping people improve their physical and mental wellbeing. I can't wait to do the same for you.

6-week Body Love Course


Top features

  • Lifetime Access to the 6- week course of bite-sized videos

  • AM and PM hypnosis audios

  • Handouts and support material to deepen your journey

  • Coaching access inside the Jammies to Jeans Facebook group

© 2023 Dr. Angela Hall